
Technology Devices (Taste Sensing System)

Taste Sensing System

The taste sensors attached to the cutting edge TS-5000Z taste recognition device are engineered to manifest characteristics closely approaching global selectivity and sensory function. This enables ready application evaluating the comprehensive tastes of an extensive range of foods, beverages and pharmaceuticals. The outstanding performance of this system plays a pivotal role in product development, marketing, sales, quality control, complaint responses and various other related situations.

(The TS-5000Z taste recognition device is the product of a 2006 development project commissioned by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).)


Application Data


(Beverages and Fluid Foods)

Here, we examine the results of measurements of beverages, fluid foods, solid foods, pharmaceuticals and other samples using the taste sensors, as well as the conditions under which those measurements were performed

The results of measurements of commercially marketed instant soups (made by Companies A, B, C and D). Excellent classification on a company-specific basis is clearly evident

Measuring Conditions
  • Pretreatment: Centrifugal separation (3,000rpm, 10 minutes)
  • Sensors used: Umami sensor AAE, Saltiness senor CTO.
  • Taste sensation categories: Umami (AAE relative value), Saltiness (CTO relative value)
    (Data courtesy of: Taste and Aroma Strategic Research Institute Co., Ltd)